April School Holiday Classes

Sew a Bunting Class
COST: $50 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Complete Beginner
Monday 15th April, 1pm - 4pm - SOLD OUT
Wednesday 24th April, 1pm - 4pm - SOLD OUT
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make yourself a personalised bunting
Choosing from a selection of fabric’s you get to create your own personalised bunting for your room. Once we have sewn up all the flags we then get to the fun part of decorating then however you choose using a slections of trims on hand.
This project is aimed at children 8yrs+ who are beginner sewers and keen to give sewing a go. More confident sewers are also most welcome to attend
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run
Find out what you will learn here
Teddy Bear Class
COST: $50 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Confident Beginners (you need to know how to use a sewing machine for this class)
Thursday 18th April, 9am - 12pm
Monday 22nd April, 1pm - 4pm
Check out this guy!
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make yourself a teddybear
In this class we will make be cutting, sewing and stuffing ourselves a bear, we get to choose his face expressions, and belly shapes and learn how to applique these on.
We then get really good at sewing around curves as we sew him together, stuff him and practise our handstitching to close him up.
This project is aimed at children 8yrs+ who are confident beginner sewers (who are cofortable in using a sewing machine). More confident sewers are also most welcome to attend
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run
Find out what you will learn here
Boxed Zippered Pouch
COST: $60 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Confident Sewers 10yrs+ (not suitable for beginner sewers)
Friday 19th April, 9-12pm
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make yourself a Boxed Zippered Pouch
In this class we are making ourselves a boxed pouch with a zip and woven tape handles.
This bag is fully lined and we use a bias tape to finish the edges.
So many great sewing skills to learn in this project.
You could use this pouch for all sorts of applications, pencilcase, make up pouch, toilet bag, lego travel bag, carrying anything you want really?
This project is aimed at children 10yrs+ with some sewing experience. More confident sewers are also most welcome to attend
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run
Find out what you will learn here