October School Holiday Classes

Planter Baskets
COST: $60 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Complete Beginner
Thursday 3rd October, 9am - 12pm
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make two matching fabric planter baskets.
In this class we make two fabric planter baskets, you can use these to liven up potplants or just for storage of trinkets.
This project is aimed at children 8yrs+ who are beginner sewers and keen to give sewing a go.
More confident sewers are also most welcome to attend
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run
Find out what you will learn here
Hooded Beach Towel
COST: $70 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Confident Beginners (you need to be confident in using a sewing machine for this class)
Monday 30th September, 1pm - 4pm
Friday 11th October, 9am - 12pm
Slip…Slop… Slap… summer is approaching fast!
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make yourself a hooded beach towel.
We will be turning a everyday day beach towel into a hooded matserpiece in just three hours, complete with side snaps and pom pom trim.
This project is aimed at children 8yrs+ who are confident beginner sewers (who are comfortable with using a sewing machine).
More confident sewers are also most welcome to attend.
Not sure your skill level? then reach out for a chat.
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run
Find out what you will learn here
Bumbag class
COST: $70 per class - Class duration 3hr, price includes fabric and notions required for class
SKILL LEVEL: Confident Sewers (not suitable for beginner sewers)
Friday 4th October, 9am - 12pm
Come and join us at The Stitchery during the school holidays to make yourself a Bumbag
Bumbags are so on trend right now, so lets get busy & make our very own bumbag.
You get to pick the fabric you want to use, learn how to cut out the pieces & then construct the bumbag of your dreams… original one off… no one will have a bumbag like yours!
This project is aimed at confident sewers - not suitable for beginners.
Classes needs a minimum 3 students to run